The four*-ringed symbol of the Sochi Olympic Games

Prior to 1951, the official handbook stated that each color corresponded to a particular continent:
blue for Europe
yellow for Asia
black for Africa
green for Australia and Oceania
red for the Americas (didn’t open, in accident)
this was removed because there was no evidence that Coubertin had intended it. (Wiki)
not for T-shirt!

Music to the Films of Andrzej Wajda

10. Man of Marble: Leading Motif*
11. Man of Marble: The Port
12. Man of Marble: Saved from Oblivion
13. Man of Marble: Figures of Marble
14. Man of Marble: A Witness
15. Man of Marble: In The Shipyard
16. Man of Marble: The Katowice Ironworks
17. Man of Marble: The Striptease (Kung Fu)*
1. Man of Iron: Hope
2. Man of Iron: Man’s Destiny
3. Man of Iron: Janek Wisniewski
4. Man of Iron: Gdansk 80
5. Man of Iron: Poem by Milosz
6. Man of Iron: Truncheon Man
7. Man of Iron: You Are My Hope
8. Man of Iron: Polish All Souls’ Day (Funeral Music)
9. Man of Iron: Ballad of Janek Wisniewski
Composer: Andrzej Korzynski

関係ないと思う。その名称を使用するって、単に話題づくりのための口実?「タイポグラフィから作られた … 」間違ったことばの使い方が最近多いように感じる。ぜひ無名性で、モノの細部は用の美に撤してほしい。それがデザイン。

Museum für Gestaltung Zürich
Wolfgang Weingart is regarded as the “enfant terrible” of modern Swiss typography. At an early stage he broke with the established rules: He freed letters from the shackles of the design grid, spaced, underlined or reshaped them and reorganized type-setting. Later he mounted halftone films to form collages, anticipating the digital sampling of the post-modern “New Wave”. As a typography teacher at the Basel School of Design Weingart shaped several generations of designers from 1968 onwards. They came from throughout the world and helped him achieve international recognition. Weingart’s experimental design approach and the connection between analog and digital techniques that he called for are topical again today. His life’s work is shown for the first time in Switzerland and juxtaposed with works produced through his teaching activity.


一曲目happy, happy…からですよ。あれでよかったのかなぁ? あれだけでも、急遽、替られなかったのかなぁ? 個人的には、なんとか生放送に切り替えてほしかった。ベストな曲用意できなくていいですよ。音悪くても、途中で無言になっても、です。