Robert Bresson/1971

やっと、映画を観る気になった。35mm new print、夜のシーンがいい。結構観たかった作品。よかったふつうで。
それにしても、70年代のパリはいい。なんか思い出す、78年だけどPont Neufは訪れている。

New stereo remix 4LP vinyl set (stereo remix + Esher demos)

The Beatles‘ 1968 self-titled double album, universally known as the ‘White Album’ will be reissued for its 50th anniversary in November across four physical editions, including a seven-disc super deluxe edition.
All physical versions of this reissue include Giles Martin and Sam Okell’s new stereo remix, “sourced directly from the original four-track and eight-track session tapes.” This mix is described as being “guided by the album’s original stereo mix” produced by Giles’ father, George Martin. The vinyl records that make up the album were cut at half-speed by Miles Showell at Abbey Road Studios and feature in two vinyl editions.

VS 747-12 & 13

The name Scritti Politti was chosen as a homage to the Italian Marxist philosophy theorist Antonio Gramsci, with Gartside changing the original ‘Scritti Politici’ (political writings) to ‘Scritti Politti’ as he thought it sounded more rock and roll, like ‘Tutti Frutti.