A radiation map of the area around the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, from Safecast’s iOS app, May 21, 2013.

Jack Stauffacher web site

The first item under the “contents” show pictures from the current exhibit of Jack’s work at the Los Angles County Museum of Art. This exhibit continues until july 21, 2013.
The second item shows pictures from the recent public event at lacma “A Typographic Journey: A Conversation with Jack Stauffacher and Chuck Byrne.

for San José State University

Associate Professor Chang Sik Kimのお招きで、急遽特別授業。
about ‘Handbook of Typography’
今週末 6月2日(日) 午後4時から
神田Matome Cafeにて






1. カナタイプライター (アンダーウッド1号機、エルメス)
2. 母型 (「ツル」5号/「スミレ」9pt/「ホシ」2、3、5号、9pt/「カモ」5号、6、8、9pt)
3. 紙型 (コクジ~カイリョウロン)
カナ ノ ヒカリ 全号のCDromデジタル化(関係者用だそうです)。


was designed by Adrian Frutiger in 1972 for D. Stempel AG. It is in the “modern” style like Bodoni or Didot, in that it has the sparkle created by a high thick/thin contrast and a symmetrical distribution of weight. But the sometimes harsh and rigid texture of the modern style is tempered by Frutiger’s graceful interpretation. Iridium itself is a very hard, brittle and strong metal; yet the Latin and Greek roots of the word mean rainbow, or iridescence. And indeed, this font is infused with a more lustrous and complex spirit than the average rather stark modern typeface – note the stems that gently taper from waist to serif, the nicely curved ovals of the round characters, and the slight bracketing of the serifs. Iridium was originally designed for phototypesetting, and Frutiger himself cut the final master photo-mask films by hand. This digital version has all the craftsmanship of that original and includes the roman, a true italic, and the bold weight. Iridium works particularly well for book and magazine text and headlines.
85th birthday.

Das Standardwerk zu Frutigers Schaffen.
– exclude:
Univers p.88*
SerifenGrotesk Gespannte Grotesk p.156
OCRB p.176*
Univers IBM Composer p.190
Devanagari Tamil p.206
Alphabet Facom p.220
Iridium p.234
Breughel p.286*
Dolmen p.296
Versailles p.308
Linotype Centennial p.318
Avenir p.330
Westside p.346
Vectora p.352
Linotype Didot p.362
Herculanum p.370
Pompeijana p.384
Frutiger Neonscript p.400
Nami p.402
Synopsis of FrutigerTypefaces p.409
Addendum p.423

46 pages*


금속활자와 인쇄술
저역편자 : 손보기 지음
출판년도 : 1976년 초판
출판사  : 세종대왕기념사업회
인쇄판식 : –
해제   : 한국의 금속활자 발명과 인쇄술.
교양 국사 총서; 21.
p.325. 크기: 10.4x17.2cm. 도판다수.